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Command Line Interface

The nexc command line interface is used to compile NexScript .nex files into .json artifact files. These artifacts can be imported and used by the JavaScript SDK or other libraries / applications that use NexScript. For more information on this artifact format refer to Artifacts.


You can use npm to install the nexc command line tool globally.

npm install -g @nexscript/nexc


The nexc CLI tool can be used to compile .nex files to JSON artifact files.

Usage: nexc [options] [source_file]

-V, --version Output the version number.
-o, --output <path> Specify a file to output the generated artifact.
-h, --hex Compile the contract to hex format rather than a full artifact.
-A, --asm Compile the contract to ASM format rather than a full artifact.
-c, --opcount Display the number of opcodes in the compiled bytecode.
-s, --size Display the size in bytes of the compiled bytecode.
-?, --help Display help